This study was carried out on an assessment of the impact of basic health care provision fund in improving financial access to health care service of under five children of ningi lga bauchi state. Specifically, the study examine the impact of basic health care provision fund in improving financial access to health care service of under five children of ningi lga bauchi state, investigate the challenges to the successful provision of the basic health care provision fund for health care service of under five children of ningi lga bauchi state, and proffer solutions to the challenges of the successful provision of the basic health care provision fund for health care service of under five children of ningi lga bauchi state. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. Questionnaire was used for data collection which was raised against a five Likert scale of Strongly Agree(SA), Agree(A), Undecided(U), Disagree(D), and Strongly Disagree(SD), and was analysed using the frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation. A total of 100 respondents were conveniently selected as sample size comprising of health care practitioners in general hospital ningi bauchi state. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings revealed that basic health care provision fund have improved financial access to health care service of under five children of ningi lga bauchi state. On the basis of these findings, it was recommended that the government should continue advocacy efforts to secure sustained and increased budgetary allocations to the BHCPF. Adequate funding is crucial for maintaining and expanding the positive impact on financial access to healthcare services for under-five children.
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